FF – You’re braver than you think


You are braver thank you think prinable quote

It’s been a tough week for females this week. I found myself saying, “What CENTURY are we living in?!” multiple times this week. I’m tired of men telling me about what I should and shouldn’t be able to do with my body, aren’t you?

So with that, this week’s printable is a reminder for females everywhere about just how powerful, strong and worthy we are. Whether you’re going through a hard time or you want to raise the next generation of women to feel empowered, print this quote on cardstock or photo paper, put it in a frame, and hang it proudly in your office or in your daughter’s room.

I hope this printable reminds you how strong, brave and smart you are.

As always, this free printable is for personal use only and is not to be resold, redistributed, claimed as your own or used in any way without consent from Pretty Printables Ink.

Download this week’s free printable!

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